Easy Burlap Banner for Valentines Day

Easy Burlap Banner Moms Lifesavers
Family Friendly Crafting
Gather up just a few supplies and you can put this fun seasonal banner together too.
Burlap is so hot right now. We are seeing it on all sorts of decorations, tablescapes and more. Burlap decorations don’t need to be expensive.
We purchased a few yards of burlap for under $5 at JoAnn’s Crafts to have on hand for crafting.
Supplies and Getting Started
We got our supplies at JoAnn’s Crafts and Dollar Tree here is the list:
- Burlap cut into triangles – cut large enough to stamp cookie cutter size of choice on (JoAnns)
- Heart shaped cookie cutters (Dollar Tree)
- Red, pink and white craft paint (JoAnns)
- Paper plates – one for each color of paint
- Twine (Dollar Tree)
- Paper straws and pom poms for stringing (Dollar Tree)
- Scissors, ruler, stapler, hot glue or sewing machine
Our daughter loves crafting with me and has had the urge to start sewing. We broke out a little ten dollar sewing machine to sew a seam on the triangular pennants, but don’t worry, hot glue or even a stapler will do the trick with this craft.

Easy Burlap Banner Moms Lifesavers
- Using the ruler and scissors cut out a number of triangle shaped pennants. Use the cookie cutters to determine how wide to make the triangle. If you need a template, cut one triangle out of copy paper and use it as your ‘master’.
- Squeeze a small amount of paint onto a paper plate and dip the handle part of the cookie cutter into the paint color of choice.
- Using the cookie cutter like a stamp, ‘stamp’ the heart shape onto the burlap. Repeat with each burlap triangle, continue with other size cookie cutters to create a pattern.
- After the paint on the burlap dries, create seam at the top of the triangle for stringing. This can be done by sewing, stapler or even hot glue.
- Start stringing. Cut a desired length of twine larger than the total length of the burlap triangles.
- Cut paper straws into smaller pieces, turning them into ‘beads’ for stringing
- Tie a knot at the end of the twine and start stringing pom poms, paper beads and burlap triangles to create your Valentines Day Banner – enjoy.

Easy Burlap Banner Moms Lifesavers
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