Remove Coffee and Tea Stains Overnight #LifeHack

Remove Coffee and Tea Stains Overnight #LifeHack
I have a favorite coffee cup that I use daily – and yes, I wash it everyday but the damage appeared to be done. I even left it at Christine’s house one day and her husband almost through it out – I guess I wouldn’t have blamed him. LOL
I just wasn’t ready to retire this cup, after all it works great and it’s only real flaw was that the inside of it was white, well used to be white.
Since I wasn’t ready to recycle it I needed a way to clean it, really clean it.
What to do about Coffee and Tea Stains?
I picked up a box of generic denture cleaning tablets at the local pharmacy.
I figure dentures spend more time in peoples mouth than my coffee cup does so it must be safe to use on a coffee cup. Plus, the box said works great on coffee and tea stains – it was worth a shot.

Remove Coffee and Tea Stains Overnight #LifeHack
That night I filled my beloved cup with warm water and dropped in a denture cleaning tablet. Immediately it started fizzing and turned a lovely blue color, I just walked away and let it do its job, after all it had its’ work cut out for it. I let the cup bubble and fizz overnight and in the morning I woke to a clean, fresh and stain-free cup – without any odors.
Hmmm What Else Would this Work On?
So I started thinking – what else could I use these cleaning tablet on …
How about that water bottle that needs refreshing or that bottle that has been rolling around in the back of your car for way too long with who knows what in it?
How about a vase? You know the one I mean, the one that had that beautiful bouquet in it a little too long. LOL
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