Tips for a Good Cleansing Routine

Tips for a Good Cleansing Routine
Do you use a good cleansing routine every day on your face? A cleansing routine is not just for when you’ve had makeup on. It’s something you should do daily. So what is a good cleansing routine?
Firstly you want to use something to clean your face. Even if you haven’t had any makeup on, you would be surprised just how much can dirt can get on your face during the day!
There are so many products right now. Start with your eyes, I don’t like the cloth wipes. You can make your eyes sore using the impregnated cleanser cloths for your eyes. Use one with a oil base. That also works great to get some of the lipsticks off with now too.

Tips for a Good Cleansing Routine
Once your eyes are done move onto a overall cleanser. A Micellar lotion is good at getting deep down to cleanse your face. You will be surprised that even without makeup on you will still find the cotton pad dirty.After you have got your face nice and clean, splash it with some water and pat dry. Now you want to move onto a cream to moisturize your face while you are sleeping. Look for a cream with collagen in it. As we age our skin slows down producing the collagen and elastin that helps to rebuild our cells. Using a cream with collagen it in helps while you sleep to rebuild those cells and counteract the signs of ageing.
In the morning after washing your face, make sure to use a cream that will work on your skin during the day. Again you could use a collagen cream or mesoderm cream to keep the moisture you need in your skin.
Once a week use a good skin mask, one that you leave on for 15 minutes. That will help bring the impurities out too. Then follow up with a mask to put back the moisture in your skin.
At Acti-Labs we have all of these products to help you take good care of your skin.
If you would like information on the products that will help with your routine please contact me.
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