Twister by Cutex – Product Review with Lin
Twister by Cutex Product Review
Twister by Cutex is the solution for hard to remove polish. Have you spent ages with cotton wool and bottled nail polish remover, trying to get all your polish off? Some polish gets left behind and stuck on the edges and no matter how hard you try, it just doesn’t come off – or worse, you get so much nail remover soaked into the cotton ball, that it starts to squeeze out and drip down your hand.
I purchased this Cutex product to try and test and it not only gets off all the polish quickly, it removes even left over polish!
How It Works
Everything is self contained. You simply push your nail into the sponge, twist a few times and voila, the polish is off. SO EASY!
There is also a little brush part that can be used for stubborn polish and I used that only on one fingernail.
Fast & Easy
Removing nail polish can take several minutes and involve lots of used cottonballs, tissues, etc. With the Twister by Cutex, the same task that usually takes 5 minutes to get all the polish off my nails, took less than 2 minutes. Such a lifesaver!
Twister by Cutex is available from Target for $6.49.
A Warm Welcome Lin
Bonnie and I are thrilled to have Lin join our blogging team to write beauty reviews. Lin is from England (we could talk to her ALL DAY LONG, we love her accent!) and has a LOVE for beauty and wellness. We wanted to share her very popular review page on facebook with you on the blog. WELCOME, Lin! We can’t wait to read all of your reviews this year!
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