How to Make a Zebra Striped Cake
This post is from 2013 and we decided to bring it back for you! It’s an oldie but a GOODIE! ENJOY!
The Zebra Cake
Our daughter considers ‘zebra’ a color & asked for a zebra cake for her birthday. The trick – she wanted the zebra pattern on the INSIDE!
Here’s the Mom’s Lifesavers how to:
- We used 2 cake mixes – a white mix and a chocolate mix.
- Make the mix according to the package instructions and set aside.
- Spray and flour your cake pans – we sprayed a light coat of non-stick cooking spray on the inside of our round cake pans and then sprinkled flour on the inside, lightly coating them so that our cakes wouldn’t stick.
- Next, starting with the chocolate batter, scoop a 1/2 cup of the mixture and pour it into the center of the pan
IMPORTANT – Do not shake mix or try to spread it – let is ‘spread’ naturally.
- Following the chocolate batter do the same with the white batter, pour it DIRECTLY ON TOP of the chocolate mix.
- Continue alternating chocolate and white cake batter – always pouring directly onto the top and letting the batter spread in the pan on its own.
TIP – You will have batter left over, we had enough for 3 cake pans and a small loaf pan (which we snacked on right away!)
Here is what our finished cake and oven ready pans looked like:

Bake as directed and allow them plenty of time to cool before removing the cake from the pans.
Have fun with it and enjoy!
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